It is important that we identify and remember our motivation for our desire for more wealth.


Indeed, this is the first that came to my students’ mind when considering undertaking the course. That’s understandable considering you are about to make an investment and want to ensure that this undertaking will serve your goals. The reality is that, regardless of our objectives, we all want to make money or a higher income. That said, there are some motivating factors that may come into play when considering the course. Some of the questions we ask are:

  • Do you want the thrill of being the only person in your club or pub who knows how to win on a poker machine?
  • Do you have a full time job but would like to have a hobby that also makes money for you?
  • Do you have some spare time, but cannot commit to a regular part-time job and would like to play when it suits you?
  • Are you in a low paying, boring, part-time or full time job?
  • Would you like to experiment with the secret winning system, with a view to increasing your income and job enjoyment?
  • Do you want to travel and use the pokies in the state or country you are visiting to pay for your trip?

If you answered ‘YES’ to any of the above questions, then don’t delay. Learn the winning secrets NOW while the opportunities are out there for you. I guarantee that you will discover the most amazing secrets you have ever learned. I have made an income from the pokies in every state in Australia and New Zealand. Share with me the knowledge that has helped me turn $500 into millions of dollars.

Get a FREE CONSULTATION, or send me your questions by via the “Contact Page” and I will certainly be pleased to answer you.

The Poker Machine School course is key to beating the odds and gaining the knowledge to smart Poker Machine gaming.

“Gain the knowledge and learn proven strategies to beat the Pokies from a coach who made a fortune from applying these strategies at Pokie Venues all over the world”